Welcome Page: Vital Information you may be looking for all on one page. God Bless you.
Welcome to Surrey Valley Baptist Church Website:
Address: 3039 Main Street, Hillsborough, NB. E4H 4W5
Phone: 506-734-3299 (Church)
Pastor: Rev. Wayne Johnson (Since November 2017 to the Present)
Email: [email protected]
Cel phone: 506-232-9286
Church Time: 11am Morning Worship
UPCOMING Happenings:
CHURCH TIMES: Each Sunday @ 11am; Family Sunday School--9:45am
Church online and in person at Surrey Valley Baptist Church and on "Church Face Book Live". Everyone welcome. See you Sunday.
Giving: You can now give by e-transfer to Surrey Valley Baptist Church
E-mail: [email protected]
Security Question: What is the pastor’s name?
Security Question Answer: waynejohnson
Sunday Evening February 16th: 7pmpm The Bondage Breaker Study as we look at Lesson Four in the study. Everyone welcome. Book and DVD Study
February 16th: 85+ Birthday Celebration. Pot-luck meal after church. Mark this on your calendar. No desserts needed, we will have cake.
This Week at Surrey Valley:
Monday and Wednesday: Nursing Home Without Walls---9am-11am. Walking, community, coffee and tea. Everyone welcome. For more information call
Tuesday: 7pm Jam Night at the Church
Tuesday: 7pm Ladies Night Out at the Parsonage.
Thursday : Annual Meeting at 7pm. Everyone welcome.
February 20th: 7pm Annual Meeting at the church. February 20th---Snow date;
February 23rd: 6:30pm Music Night at New Horton Baptist Church . Our multi-church gathering for February leading up to Special Meetings in the Spring.
Everyone is welcome.
Seeking the Lord together. See you Sunday at Surrey Valley Baptist Church. A Bible believing Church for our time. Hope to see you!
Welcome Page: Vital Information you may be looking for all on one page. God Bless you.
Welcome to Surrey Valley Baptist Church Website:
Address: 3039 Main Street, Hillsborough, NB. E4H 4W5
Phone: 506-734-3299 (Church)
Pastor: Rev. Wayne Johnson (Since November 2017 to the Present)
Email: [email protected]
Cel phone: 506-232-9286
Church Time: 11am Morning Worship
UPCOMING Happenings:
CHURCH TIMES: Each Sunday @ 11am; Family Sunday School--9:45am
Church online and in person at Surrey Valley Baptist Church and on "Church Face Book Live". Everyone welcome. See you Sunday.
Giving: You can now give by e-transfer to Surrey Valley Baptist Church
E-mail: [email protected]
Security Question: What is the pastor’s name?
Security Question Answer: waynejohnson
Sunday Evening February 16th: 7pmpm The Bondage Breaker Study as we look at Lesson Four in the study. Everyone welcome. Book and DVD Study
February 16th: 85+ Birthday Celebration. Pot-luck meal after church. Mark this on your calendar. No desserts needed, we will have cake.
This Week at Surrey Valley:
Monday and Wednesday: Nursing Home Without Walls---9am-11am. Walking, community, coffee and tea. Everyone welcome. For more information call
Tuesday: 7pm Jam Night at the Church
Tuesday: 7pm Ladies Night Out at the Parsonage.
Thursday : Annual Meeting at 7pm. Everyone welcome.
February 20th: 7pm Annual Meeting at the church. February 20th---Snow date;
February 23rd: 6:30pm Music Night at New Horton Baptist Church . Our multi-church gathering for February leading up to Special Meetings in the Spring.
Everyone is welcome.
Seeking the Lord together. See you Sunday at Surrey Valley Baptist Church. A Bible believing Church for our time. Hope to see you!